CREATION AND THE SABBATH: The fact that the seventh day Sabbath preceded all other days of holy rest is presented in the creation story. Also explained is the reason why the early people of the earth would have known about the Sabbath and kept it, if they were obedient to the God (YHVH) who blessed and sanctified it. |
JESUS AND THE SABBATH: The vast majority of Christendom observe the first day of the week as their day of rest. But what did Jesus, the founder of the Christian faith teach? We review his words and customs to determine what he thought of the seventh-day Sabbath. |
MY SABBATH: The seventh-day Sabbath was instituted by God at the end of Creation. It was expected that all people who seek to please God would observe the Sabbath. We explore both biblical and non-biblical sources in our examining of the observance of the seventh-day Sabbath and the historical institution of the first-day of week meant to replace God's Sabbath. |
NO TIME LOST: When you read this booklet, you will see there were no days lost causing a change in time. the first day of the week is still the first day and the seventh day still the seventh day of the week that God sanctified. The proof of fact is clearly evident in this writing. |
PAUL'S SABBATH OBSERVANCE: For a man who is supposed to have spoken about the end of the law (Ten Commandments) of God, Paul was an ardent observer of the fourth commandment, the seventh day Sabbath and wherever he went to preach the Christ, he regularly kept the Sabbath. |
THE 24 HOUR SABBATH: Was the seventh day Sabbath to be held only during the daylight hours? Some people say that it should be because day time represents only the daylight hours. Read the answers given about this notion showing the fallacy of the theory. |
THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK: Sunday, since the fourth century, has been held as the Christian Sabbath even though the scriptures never mention the day of the week replacing the seventh day of the week which was instituted by God. This writing shows from the scriptures that Sunday never replaced God's Holy Sabbath. |
THE GATES OF JERUSALEM: The argument that when Nehemiah ordered the gates of Jerusalem to be closed at dark proves that work can be done on the dark hours of the Sabbath is proven an incorrect notion. Because the word for dark was mistranslated and should have been translated dusk or just twilight. |
THE SABBATH BEFORE SINAI: Was the seventh day Sabbath known before the giving of the tables of stone at Sinai? The answer is yes! And this booklet gives scriptural proof of the Sabbath existing before the giving of the Decalogue to Moses at Mount Sinai. |