The scripture of the day, Monday, February 17, 2025, is:
"For as I passed by and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you." Acts 17:13 .
Welcome to the Church of God (Christianos)
Greetings in the name of Jesus the Christ, our Lord.
We are a seventh-day Sabbath-keeping church following the example of Jesus and the earliest members of the Christian church such as Jesus’ disciples, Paul the Apostle and others who observed that day holy unto God the Father since He had instituted it to be observed by mankind from the time of Creation.
We believe in the keeping of the Ten Commandments (or Ten Sayings) of God and the teachings of His Son, Jesus the Christ. The Ten Commandments should be observed by Christians as they demonstrate love towards God The Father and our fellow man. It can be shown that these principles of living existed from the beginning of time.
The Bible teaches that each of us should study the Scriptures to show ourselves approved unto God. This means that we should not rely on others such as those standing in the pulpit for our salvation. That is not to say that we shouldn’t consider what the elders of our church tell us but we must search to see if those words being uttered are based on the Scriptures. Everyone must account for their own actions and are responsible for their own salvation. This does not mean that everyone must be an expert in reciting biblical verses and must be able to write treatises on Biblical subjects. Everyone has varying abilities when it comes to understanding the Scriptures and given God is Just, we will not be judged on how much we know, but on what we do with the amount of understanding we possess.
Contrary to what is portrayed in the mainstream media, movies and TV shows, true Christians know that they are not without fault for we are told that “…All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23). Due to the falsehoods that fill the media airwaves, many people have misconceptions of Christianity. God created us and knows we are not perfect; all that He expects is that we do our best in living a life unto Him. When we profess our belief in Him and His Son, and exhibit love toward others, this will cover a multitude of sins. But at the same time, we cannot use God’s mercy towards us as an excuse to continue to do evil and wrong others. When we attempt to do what is right and are willing to try and live unto God, He is merciful and willing to forgive us, no matter what sins we may have committed in the past. Paul the Apostle, before his conversion to Christianity, actually persecuted the members of the Church of God so if he can be forgiven for the deaths he caused, you can be forgiven as well if you have a repentant heart and are willing to change your life.
We believe that we are living in the end times that was prophesied by Jesus, John the Revelator, Daniel, and others. We are seeing the intolerance of governments towards people of the Christian faith wherein they are restricting freedom of speech, opinion, assembly, and the practice of our religion, all things that have been enshrined in the constitutions of the free countries of the West but are now being trampled upon across the globe. Unfortunately, such things have been prophesied and must come to pass as we near the Christ’s return to earth. It is a shame that nations that were built upon the tenets of the Christian faith such as individual choice and the liberty to follow one’s conscience are now being governed by persons without a fear of God, some claiming to be religious but not showing any evidence of the same. Despite these happenings, we can take comfort in the knowledge that if we commit ourselves to fight the spiritual fight, we can be assured of obtaining eternal life. Jesus tells us that we are not to worry about what tomorrow may bring but to focus on what we do today. More than ever before, we must pray for God’s strength to stand up to the forces of evil that have taken hold of this earth.
We invite all to review our site and download the free booklets that can be distributed to others. A variety of topics are covered such as the Sabbath, the Ten Commandments, the state of the dead, the Lord’s Supper, baptism, the humanity of Jesus, feast days, the last days and other subjects. We attempt to keep our site updated but ask that you be patient as we try to keep this site current. If you have questions pertaining to our faith or to any Biblical subject, please feel free to email us.
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